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&t Federlese - Philosophie-Podcast | philosophy podcast: Of the Sound

Of the Sound

[Deutsch | Français]

Philosophy is read silently, only rarely listened to. Exept during a lecture or one of the tranquil moments when we read it to ourselves aloud, the sound of a philosophical text remains mostly a secret. However, especially the classical works of thought unfold their full richness only when read out loud; the rhythm and the choice of words in Schelling’s or Nietzsche’s writings require the human voice, so that the stream of thoughts in them can be fully appreciated. It is then, that we understand it more, and differently.

Federlese aims at reanimating philosophy’s sound. Fee, an artist from Tübingen, will read out selected texts by German thinkers, which will then be gathered here on this site – with all due care, we hope. We have chosen the feather, die Feder, a quite stereotypical symbol, but in the end the most appropriate one for living philosophy: it reminds one not only of the pen made of a feather but also of the philosopher’s winged soul in Plato’s “Phaedrus”, which, seized by Eros, soars between the heights and depths of thought. A new podcast will be offered roughly every two weeks and will be free for you to download.

Enjoy listening and thinking!

(Translation by Fee)
